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How does body talk work from a distance?
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Do you help treat terminal or chronic illness?
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What will my first session be like?
We'll start with an intake, and see if there's an agenda for the session you'd like to focus on. Then you can relax on the table, or from the comfort of your own home if we're doing a virtual session, and I will either be holding your hand muscle checking your body for priorities for healing or tuning into your system and muscle checking myself from a distance. I'll be conveying everything that comes up in a session as we go along, at the end we will "tap" out the session through a series of non-invasive and effective techniques which remind your innate healing intelligence what we just addressed for it to heal, which it will do quite rapidly. You merely need to relax and receive a restorative and illuminating session. They typically last an hour and you should feel very relaxed for the rest of your day.
Do you treat patients with severe health problems?
Enter your answer here. Be thoughtful, write clearly and concisely, and consider adding written as well as visual examples. Go over what you’ve written to make sure that if it was the first time you were visiting the site, you’d understand your answer.